Obviously, I think regular massage sessions are important to maintain your overall well-being. But taking care of yourself in between appointments is important too.
Practicing self-care not only allows us to help ourselves, but to help others as well. Self care tends to improve our immunity, increase positive thinking and makes us less susceptible to stress, depression, anxiety and other emotional health issues.
How do you practice self-care? Here are some ideas you can implement into your daily life:
- Keep a journal. Write down the things you did well each day or things you are grateful for.
- Escape to your bedroom for a few minutes and just be.
- Read a book or meditate.
- Try the “Legs up the wall” pose. – It is a restorative yoga pose that allows the mind and body to relax, relieving stress and tension (see below)
This is a “feel-good” pose so it should feel good even for beginners. It might feel awkward getting into the position the first few times you try it. Take your time getting there correctly. For greater neck support, place a small rolled towel beneath the back of your neck. It is not necessary for your “sit” bones to touch the wall. Depending on your flexibility, you may need to be a little further away from the wall or use a support like a bolster or firm, long pillow. Close your eyes, and breathe into the position for 5-15 minutes.